Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week Three

We are really in the thick of things now! God showed his faithfulness last week and it knocked us to the ground. We've been praying that we could break 400 kids ministered to in one day. Last summer, 300 was only broken once. This summer, we've only NOT broken 300 three times. So we were dreaming big. On Wednesday, God gave us a good "Christian tease" (Street Reach staff inside joke, pardon me) by sending out 399 kids. So of course, on Thursday we were extremely pumped up to break 400. As Jason said, we broke it and slapped it in the face with 447! We haven't counted up the numbers from Friday yet, because Jason was gone for the weekend, but we know it's even more than 447. Kendrick itself broke records by going from 36 on Monday to 63 on Friday! I believe Kendrick only got to 40 kids one time last summer. It's just amazing to see God expanding our ministry and using us as His hands and feet. Tomorrow we are opening a new site, and in a couple weeks we plan on opening a 10th site. We are truly blessed.
Boanerges Baptist Church from Old Fort, TN worked Kendrick last week. I was so impressed with their passion and dedication to this mission. They were a returning team from last year, but they had doubled, so we had a lot of people who had heard about Street Reach but not yet experienced it. They all loved it and were affected by this community. God used them to gain us tons of new kids; I believe we met at least two new kids a day, with some days bringing in six or seven! They also worked hard to reach out to our older kids, and a few of them were saved. It's just such a beautiful thing. Now these boys and girls who were saved can reach out to their friends who don't attend Bible Club, and their families as well. I was so proud of my kids, my team, and myself! On Thursday and Friday I ran Kendrick without Kacie. It was more stressful, because I didn't have someone to share the responsibilities with, but it went smoothly as ever. This week I will be running Kendrick alone, but New Bethel (my church) is the mission team there. I know that with them and God on my side, I will be able to manage things.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6
This verse and today's sermon at Brinkley Heights were things I really needed to hear. The sermon was about why we should fear God, and that means. I've always struggled with feeling spiritually week, even though my faith wasn't wavering. It's because, without always knowing it, I don't give everything up to God. I just go, go, go, trying to do everything myself. Some nights I get too tired and I don't pray. I feel ashamed, but I don't always do anything about it. Here, I'm starting to learn how to continually go to the Lord for strength and guidance, and to put my trust completely in him. You will be worn out if you don't!
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Galatians 6:9
This verse also came to me at just the right time last week. We were praying to get more numbers, and we were tired from working. But this reassures me that God will provide for us.
I will try to be better about blogging this week. Keep Street Reach in your prayers, and God bless you!

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